Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Know yourself, be yourself, look after yourself

To anyone in a leadership position, the title and Mantra of the Clore Social Leadership programme is a simple concept to understand but a very difficult one to put into practice. Guilty as charged.. I work late, often, and wake up thinking of my 'To Do' list for the day.

I am learning about emotional intelligence, or EQ, emotional resilience and learning how to recognise when your batteries are running low and how to recharge.

It has been a challenging day, exploring personal boundries and experiences and exposing our vulnerabilities and thoughts in order to develop an effective environment for 'safe' challenge, peer support and learning.

My take home for today has been that I need to take ownership of my 'story' and leadership journey, accept some of my vulnerabilities and put plans into action to take more care of me and what is importnant to me. I am forever telling social entrepreneurs I work with that they can't expect to have any positive social impact if they don't build sustainability through profit making. In a similar respect, you can't lead others, if you haven't got any reserves to give.

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